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The Hizmet Movement: Responses to Contemporary Challenges

Thank you for your interest in the Conference on the Hizmet Movement.
Unfortunately, the abstract submission deadline has passed. Therefore, the Conference does not accept new submissions.  Please refer to the bottom of this page for other important dates.

Call for Papers:

The Department of Religious Studies at California State University, Long Beach, is organizing a conference on the Islam-inspired Hizmet Movement (a.k.a. Gulen Movement) entitled "The Hizmet Movement: Responses to Contemporary Challenges." The conference will mainly focus on the Hizmet Movement’s status in Turkey and around the world, as well as how the Movement responds to the challenges posed or exacerbated by global trends and events. This includes the Movement's status and direction both transnationally and locally.


The conference's academic board welcomes papers analyzing the movement’s current status, including its activities, reception, the state of social integration within its host countries, and the movement's responses to the challenges it faces.


Papers that review these issues in diverse fields such as religious studies, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, political science, education, business, ethics, human rights, and law will be considered.


Please submit your abstract by filling out the form below. 

Schedule for Abstract Submissions:

Abstract Submission: Submit by December 1, 2022 (300 - 500 words). Please also include your CV.


Notification of Acceptance: Abstracts will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and papers invited will be notified by 21 December 2022.

Conference: Selected papers to be accepted for presentation at a two-day conference on 16-17th February 2023 on the campus of California State University, Long Beach.


Schedule for Full Paper Submissions for the Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings: Full papers for Possible Inclusion in Conference Proceedings: Submit by March 19, 2023 (4,000– 10,000 words, excluding bibliography.

Review: Papers reviewed by the Editors and classed as: Accepted – No Recommendations; Accepted – See Recommendations; Conditional Acceptance – See Recommendations; Not Accepted by June 15, 2023. 

Revision: Authors to take peer review into account and resubmit articles. The outcome of the review (including any recommendations for revisions or improvements) will be communicated to the authors by August 18, 2023.

Final Papers: Any final amendments to papers are to be submitted by September 17, 2023. 


Conference Proceedings Paper Submission Guidelines

Full Papers for possible publication in the conference proceedings should be submitted in English only as MS Word documents via the paper submissions page on the conference website.

The first page of the manuscript should contain:

  • The title

  • The name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s)

  • The address, telephone, and e-mail address of the corresponding author

  • An abstract of up to 300 words

  • A short bio for each author, up to 250 words

  • Three to seven keywords

Manuscripts should be between 4,000 and 10,000 words, excluding the bibliography. Articles will be peer-reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board and external expert reviewers.​


Style Guide for Contributors

Papers should follow the APA style. 



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